Adam Rich


Member profile details

Membership level
CI-ATD Past President
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Last name

Additional information

Adam is the Director of Organizational Development at Athene, where he's responsible for building and managing Athene's corporate learning programs. Prior to his current role, he spent two years as an eLearning Designer with Athene's Insurance Operations team, focusing on developing and deploying technical learning content. Before joining Athene, Adam spent nine years at Nationwide Insurance, holding various roles in customer service, training delivery, training design and leadership.

Adam first joined ATD Central Iowa in 2011, and has been actively involved in multiple areas of the chapter, from facilitating workshops and breakout sessions at Professional Development Day to participating in committees. From 2020 - 2022, Adam led or co-led the ATD Central Iowa Technology SIG. In 2022, he has served the chapter as the VP of Operations, then President Elect in 2023. As president in 2024, Adam helped support and champion intitiaties that grew the chapter membership base and enhance the Professional Development Day experience while providing members with best-in-class programming and networking opportunities.

Outside of work, Adam lives in Waukee with his wife and daughter, along with their cat, Winston.
Member Photo

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