All Students – No Trainers: Planning Training You Know Nothing About

  • Friday, October 13, 2017
  • 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Nationwide Insurance, 1100 Locust Street, Des Moines, IA 50391 - Room C236/C240


Registration is closed

"Hey, you've done this for years.  You know everything you need to train the new guy."

But what if you don't?  It's a case of "all students, no trainers!"

Usually, trainers are asked to train in subject areas they have at least some expertise in.  Smart people with people skills are asked to train others on the job.  Good facilitators with a passion for interpersonal relationships are asked to teach team work, service skills, leadership, or communication.  

What if you have to design training on topics you know little or nothing about?  Perhaps you have to train for jobs you've never done, technical material you haven't mastered,  financial reports that read like Greek, or worse!  The boss says, "You're a trainer, write me some training!"

This session will provide you proven, practical tools and approaches for tackling training design and development projects on subjects you may not know a lot about.  These tools will help you design learner focused, performance based instruction that gets great results!

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Trainers, e learning developers, instructors, instructional designers, instructional developers, and other learning professionals who plan training programs based upon content and/or job skills they know little about.

APPROACH: You'll learn through case studies and lots of discussion. We'll simulate a SME interview.  We'll practice using examples and samples. Also, you'll swap ideas and tips from your colleagues about great content-neutral exercises, games, practices, etc. 


Presenter Bios:

    Dan Topf is a Certified Performance Technologist with 25 years’ experience in program facilitation, instructional design, and human resources consulting.    He has expertise in performance consulting, instructional design, and program facilitation.  He’s a longtime member of ATD Central Iowa.  He presented at the 2015 Career Development Day.

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