ATDU: Adopting a Resilient Mindset

  • Wednesday, January 31, 2018
  • 9:30 AM - 11:45 AM
  • On With Life, 715 SW Ankeny Road, Ankeny, Iowa 50023
  • 13


Registration is closed

Presented by Jason Kiesau, Aureon

Resiliency is the ability to bounce forward in times of adversity and see challenges as opportunities for growth. When we work in a world where change is constant and inevitable, resiliency skills are crucial.

Resiliency involves overcoming the natural, counterproductive tendencies we all have that can get in the way of personal success. For example, we are naturally wired to process information with a negativity bias, subconsciously assuming the worst. In fact, many people have a natural tendency to turn small problems into catastrophes, bringing about strong emotional responses to minor adversities.

This program provides you with easy-to-learn, actionable strategies for enhancing your capacity to overcome stress and respond to adversity in a positive, resilient manner.




On With Life
715 SW Ankeny Road, Ankeny, Iowa 50023

For directions, go to:
Parking is located on the east side of the building. The lot is not large, so please carpool when possible. If necessary you may park next door at Children and Families of Iowa (501 SW Ankeny Road), but be careful while walking to On With Life as there is no sidewalk along the road between the two buildings.

Attendees should enter through the Outpatient Entrance (which is marked) and proceed straight ahead to the Wellness Room. 



Please note that ATDU sessions are only available to employees of Central Iowa non-profit organizations.

Space is limited.
If you are unable to attend the class, please cancel your registration as soon as possible so people on the waiting list can attend.

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