Topic: Expand Your Workforce Pipeline
Date: September 27, 2019
Time: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
8:00-8:15 check-in
8:15-8:30 chapter announcements
8:30-11:30 main program
11:30-12:00 networking
Location: Aureon, 7760 Office Plaza Dr S, West Des Moines, IA

Cheri Patzner
Cheri has been in leadership and development for over 12 years, with expertise in both the insurance and construction industries. She has developed and facilitated both classroom and online learning for: new hires, interns, agents, field foremen, project engineers, and leaders in content covering processes, software, and systems.
Cheri has a passion for: increasing employee engagement, creating a positive corporate culture, and demonstrating dedication for the organization’s products, services, and technology.
In addition to being a Certified Crucial Conversations facilitator, she has been recognized for streamlining learning processes and implementing learning management systems.
Her professional involvements include: member of both local and national ATD, volunteering for MBI’s Scholarship & Academic Advisory Committee, speaking at the most recent Central Iowa ATD PDD.
Cheri received the Central Iowa ATD Excellence in Knowledge Management award in 2018 based on the “community” based program developed for our summer interns.
For more information, you can visit Cheri’s LinkedIn page at www.linkedin.com/in/cheri-patzner
Paul Smith, Head of Training, Baker Construction Enterprises, Inc.
Paul Smith has spent nearly 30 years coordinating the deployment of learning resources to support organizational initiatives and individual improvement. He has designed, implemented and evaluated instruction in public, private and nonprofit sectors; as well as for all career levels, learning styles and age ranges.
Paul currently serves as Head of Training for Baker Construction Enterprises, the nation’s largest concrete construction company. Under his guidance, Baker is developing professional development programs which will become a gold standard for the industry.
Paul has become a recognized leader on the topic of structured on-the-job training (SOJT). He presents at conferences (including the last four years at ATD’s International Conference & Expo), has written trade articles, hosted webinars, and is author of the book Learning While Working: Structuring Your On-the-Job Training, published by ATD Press.
Paul is active within the workplace learning and performance profession, including long-standing membership in the Association for Talent Development (ATD) on both the local and national/international levels. He served on the Central Iowa ATD Chapter Board for eight years and has served on several ATD national-level committees including a term as chair of ATD’s Chapter Recognition Committee and as a member of ATD’s National Advisors for Chapters. Currently Paul serves on ATD’s Public Policy Advisory Council and he continues to have responsibility for selecting winners of both ATD’s Excellence in Practice and the ATD B.E.S.T. awards each year.
For more information about Paul Smith’s background and experience, please visit www.linkedin.com/PaulSmithATD.
Employers increasingly face the dual challenge of finding the best individuals to hire, and then retaining those individuals once they are onboard. With record low unemployment levels comes the issue of a significant talent shortage, making the recruiting of skilled talent more competitive and challenging. Perks packages and salary levels are certainly one method of attracting the best individuals; but a well-designed, integrated talent development program can be a major factor in identifying the best talent, preparing the best talent, and retaining the best talent for the long term.
Many organizations continue to focus much of their ‘training’ resources on classroom-based or online options, with little attention given to the single greatest area in which most skills are acquired: experiential learning while on the job. But a truly integrated talent development program doesn’t even wait for a new full-time employee to be hired. If developed properly, the program’s impact can begin via focused internships which link and feed into role-specific Structured On-the-Job Training programs. Effectively developed SOJT programs can then lead to stackable credentials, which may then form the foundation for apprenticeship programs. A truly integrated talent development program will engage and challenge learners through their ongoing professional development.
Consider throwing standard approaches out the window, ignoring all the training clichés, and instead mapping out your own integrated talent development program solution to address your organization’s workforce pipeline needs.
Upon completion of this workshop, attendees will:
- Be able to identify the benefits of creating a workforce pipeline program which can link, internships, structured on-the-job training, and apprenticeship efforts
- Be able to diagnose what gaps can most effectively be addressed through learning solutions
- Be able to modify their own examples and to apply to training program needs in their own organization
ATD-CI Member: $59
Non ATD-CI Member: $99