May Chapter Networking Connections

  • Friday, May 18, 2012
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Nationwide/Allied Insurance, 1200 Locust Street Des Moines


Registration is closed
Alternatives to all-out strategic planning

No Time to SWOT! - Quick and sticky ideas to balance strategic analysis and planning with the limited number of hours in the day

Presented by - Alan Feirer

-Review SWOT analysis techniques

-Learn and practice the WWW/TALA tool - a way to evaluate a situation or event in about 10% of the time it takes to do a SWOT, yet get 80% of the same valuable information

-Learn and practice the art of MT goals - the less-intimidating and more actionable version of the SMART goal

-Understand how to implement these techniques, along with simple action plans, to strategically change and improve when needed, quickly and effectively

Alan Feirer is a leadership trainer, speaker, and organizational development consultant. For the last 13 years, he has done business as Group Dynamic, making a difference in the lives of others by working with managers, directors, leadership teams, staffs, and team members to maximize the potential of their organization through leadership training, coaching, team-building and strategic planning.

Mr. Feirer lives in Winterset, Iowa, with his wife, Julie, and daughter, Mara. He holds membership in many professional organizations, including Optimists, Madison County Area Chamber of Commerce (currently co-chair of the board of directors), the Greater Des Moines Partnership, and the American Society for Training and Development (currently local VP for Strategic Partnerships). Feirer's other interests include competitive Scrabble, running, travel, dining, and playing with his eight‐year-old daughter, Mara.

Special Note:This is the Nationwide building between 12th & 13th Street on Locust.  There has not been a networking connection at this Nationwide building.  It is across the street from the Pappajohn Education Center.

Visitor Instructions: Please check in at the security desk on the second floor of the building.  An ASTD Greeter will be there to escort you to the training room.   The event is being held in room E233.

Lunch Options:  Feel free to grab lunch at the on-site cafeteria or bring your own to network with others from 11:30am-12:00pm.  There is also access to Jimmy John's or Smokey D's BBQ from the lobby of 1200 Locust.

Renewing your ATD Membership, registering for an ATD event, or making a purchase from the ATD store? Our ATD ChIP code is CH6013.Every time the code is used, it contributes to the financial health of our chapter by giving back a portion of the purchase price to our chapter. Visit the ATD store for all of your talent development needs. 


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