Tech SIG: Technology, Distance Learning and YOU!

  • Friday, April 02, 2021
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Virtual (Zoom meeting link available upon registration)


Registration is closed

Topic: Technology, Distance Learning and YOU!


Although training and talent development initiatives over the last few years have been going “virtual,” a global pandemic has forced us to rapidly shift to new ways of supporting our talent development programs. And what’s at the center of that shift – you guessed it: technology! So for April, we are putting training delivery center-stage!

Join the Tech SIG for a discussion about how trainers, instructional designers and eLearning developers are using technology to keep learners engaged in “virtual” classrooms. We’re talking about things like the software you’re using to facilitate high-quality learning experiences, innovative ways you’re facilitating discussions, and so much more!

Come share your experience and you’ll be sure to leave with some new ideas for your own organization!

The Technology/E-learning Special Interest Group (SIG) engages the talent development community in collaborative discussion and workshops to solve problems, spark ideas, and expand their knowledge and skills around e-learning and the use of technology to support training. The group typically meets on the first Friday of the month from 8:00-9:30 a.m., with networking at 8:00 and the main program at 8:30. Mark your calendars and plan to attend every month! 




Zoom - Virtual (Meeting link available upon registration)


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