Proven Principles of Multimedia Instruction for E-Learning

  • Friday, June 18, 2021
  • 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Virtual


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Topic: Proven Principles of Multimedia Instruction for E-Learning

Date: Friday, June 18, 2021

Time: 9:00 -11:00 AM

Location: Virtual (Sign-on info sent in confirmation)


ATD CI Member - $59

Non ATD CI Member - $89


Click to check out Joshua Key's introduction video!

Joshua Key is the Learning and Development Specialist at REG and is charged with creating engaging learning experiences and materials to suit company needs. He has been part of a very successful transition to online learning at REG, and has held workshops internationally teaching faculty how to more effectively design learning materials for the remote environment. He loves getting to interact with learners and seeing the lightbulbs turn on as the learners come to understand and apply the concept at hand. Joshua holds a Master's Degree in Instructional Design and Technology and a certification in E-Learning and Online Teaching from Emporia State University. When the pandemic hit, he helped his alma mater find the pain points of regional teachers thrust suddenly into the remote environment in order to design workshops to help these teachers meet their remote students' instructional needs.

Session Summary

Have you ever struggled to get your students to engage with your material in e-learning? Have you been looking for the best way to design your content for an online environment? This workshop is what you’ve been looking for! Research has demonstrated techniques that will help learners engage with and process your materials more deeply. In this workshop, we will cover twelve of these proven, practical principles of multimedia instruction.

You will:

• See each principle in action and get to apply each one yourself

• Be introduced to several tools that can make the process easier and more effective

• Create your own sample instructional module incorporating the principles so you can easily refer to it for use in the future

Session Takeaways

After the session, you'll be able to: 

• Explain how the 12 principles help learners engage in beneficial cognitive processing so they can better remember, understand, and apply new materials.

• Apply the 12 principles in instructional materials you will create.

• Get introduces to free/inexpensive tools that help with e-learning.

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