You Hold the Keys. Now Turn the Ignition!

  • Friday, August 13, 2021
  • 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
  • Virtual


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Topic: You Hold the Keys. Now Turn the Ignition!

Date: Friday, August 13, 2021

Time: 9:00 -10:00 AM

Location: Virtual (Sign-on info sent in confirmation)


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Non ATD CI Member - $39



Aaron Putze 

Raised on a farm near West Bend, Iowa, Aaron Putze is a 27-year veteran of the agricultural communications profession. He currently serves as Sr. Dir. of Information & Education for the Ankeny-based Iowa Soybean Association. Aaron helps direct a 12-person team serving Iowa’s nearly 38,000 soybean farmers. Their goal: enable farmers to grow and market soybeans more profitably and sustainably. Aaron has always been intrigued by those who strive, succeed, lead with positivity, and give maximum effort to make those around them better. He’s a popular speaker, work-life coach and the author of two books. “Destined for Greatness: The Story of Chuck Long and Resurgence of Iowa Hawkeyes’ Football” and “YOU Are Destined for Greatness: Stories of Inspiration & Empowerment.” The latter shares 16 success themes distilled from conversations with more than 25 inspiring personalities, all with Iowa roots. Aaron earned a degree in public relations and communications from the University of Northern Iowa and his accreditation in public relations in 2001. He was named the Public Relations Society of America Public Relations Professional of the Year in 2018. Aaron is a member of the Waukee Rotary, Knights of Columbus and volunteer for the Walnut Creek Youth Baseball and Softball League. He’s a big fan of spending time outdoors, traveling internationally, gardening and spending time with family. Aaron and his wife Crystal and children Garrett, Grant and Jaelyn (JAY-lin) live in Waukee.

Session Summary

Every person is a leader because every person influences someone else. A positive attitude backed by effort helps us make the most of the opportunity. The choice is ours. But choosing to be the best version of ourselves requires commitment and resolve. Those who accomplish outstanding results remain in motion. Leaders make excellent navigators into choppy waters because they possess unwavering qualities -- relentless effort, unflinching passion and enthusiasm, empathy, strong character, and willingness to commit (to goals and teammates). These attributes strengthen business and relationships but require constant attention. I welcome the opportunity to bring a success mindset when connecting with others as a keynote or workshop facilitator. YOU Are Destined for Greatness, a book I authored and published, features leadership perspectives of more than 25 incredible personalities with Iowa roots including ISU President Wendy Wintersteen, Scott Raecker of Character Counts and Miriam Erickson Brown of AE Dairy. I’ve adapted a program from the book reinforcing the importance of: 1) Trusting others; 2) Being in the moment; 3) Attitude; 4) Celebrating every win; 5) Committing; and 6) Humility. Before each event, a conversation is held to discuss goals and desired outcomes of our time together. An agenda is then developed based on this discovery session. It is reviewed and approved by both parties. Books (if requested) are signed and personalized and shared with attendees at least three weeks in advance of the team building event. I make it a priority to ensure our time together is fast-paced, fun and entertaining and the content is highly relevant for the audience (I relish practicality!). Given the many Iowa leaders featured in the book, leadership skills and success ideas shared in YOU Are Destined for Greatness take on added relevancy.

Session Takeaways

After the session, you'll: 

  • Commit to making and achieving a goal.
  • See the agent of change they can be.
  • Understand that true leaders are those who strive to be their best self.
  • Appreciate the importance of humility and being in the moment to achieving results.

ATD Capability Model 

  • Building Personal Capability

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