Topic: Feedback to Move Ahead, Smarter and Stronger
Date: Friday, December 3, 2021
Time: 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Location: Virtual - Zoom link to follow
ATD CI Member - $59
Non ATD CI Member - $89
Michele Matt
Each year since 1985, Michele has inspired the attitudes and actions of thousands of people around the world through customized on-site and on-line learning experiences, dynamic keynote presentations, strategic business planning and organizational development. As a dynamic and highly effective communicator, clients appreciate her unique ability to challenge the minds and touch the hearts of people at any level within a company, from the board of directors to the front-line team members.
Inspiring Solutions recently joined forces with JER HR Group, with offices in New York City and Greensboro, NC. This new partnership allows a broader scope of professional HR Consulting an Talent Development offerings.
Michele was an award-winning partner of Wiley Learning Solutions, an authorized distributor of Everything DiSC®, the leading suite of DiSC® – based workplace training assessments. In addition, Michele is an Accredited Facilitator in the Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team based upon Patrick Lencioni’s best-selling book The Five Dysfunctions of a Team.
In 2011, she was awarded the “Impact to Business” from the Association of Talent Development - Iowa Chapter for the work she’s done to help Matagorda Regional Medical Center to become a Hospital of Choice in the Houston area. She has earned the Certified Speaking Professional from the National Speakers Association, a designation earned by fewer than 10% of professional speakers worldwide.
Michele is appropriately recognized as “The Attitude Adjuster” because she has written several books and training resources on the topic, including the best- selling book Attitude: The Choice is Yours, the Activities to Enhance the Good, Bad and Ugly Attitudes and recently produced a video-based learning program called ATTITUDE!™ Resolving Difficult Situations in the Workplace.
She has provided state and national leadership for the National Speakers Association (NSA) and the Association for Talent Development (ATD).
Session Summary
The biggest mistake companies make when conducting an employee satisfaction survey is not doing anything to address the results. Nothing stifles engagement like asking employees for their feedback and then not taking appropriate follow-up. If you ask, your employees they will tell you exactly what they want you to do to best serve, appreciate and retain their loyalty. Typically, at least an annual process, soliciting employee input is an intentional form of communicating to strengthen your relationship and develop future strategies for improving your workplace culture and growing your business. The first step is to determine the strategy for obtaining the most effective feedback to improve your employees' satisfaction and promote engagement.
Session Takeaways
What if your employees told you exactly what they want you to do to appreciate, communicate, motivate, and maximize their talent? They actually would if you asked them. By using a Culture Index Survey Process, learn how a company can:
• Recognize and overcome the fear of giving and receiving feedback
• Assess the health and well-being of the culture and its employees
• Utilize an engaging process to build trust and strategies for success
ATD Capability Model
- Impacting Organizational Capability
- Developing Professional Capability