Tech SIG - Fun with Gamificaion

  • Friday, April 01, 2022
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Virtual - Zoom link to follow

Registration is closed

Topic:  Wanna Make it a Game?  Featuring Adam Rich!


Learning games are a great way to spice up content that would otherwise be a bit bland. But if you’ve never created one, where do you start and how do you actually do it? Join the Tech SIG in April for a special presentation by ATD-Central Iowa’s 2021 “Share Your Success” winner, Adam Rich, as he shares how his company created a full-gamified eLearning program using Articulate Storyline 360. From design, to game mechanics and storytelling, Adam will showcase the process he and his teammates used to build dynamic learning games that help employees across the company connect their roles to the company’s purpose.



Location: UPDATED!!!

Zoom -

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