ATDU:Performance Leadership: Inspiring Growth in Others

  • Wednesday, April 13, 2022
  • 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
  • Virtual- Zoom link provided at the bottom of the information

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Performance Leadership – Inspiring Growth in Others

A foundational leadership competency is to help others grow in skills and knowledge.  Yet, many leaders lack the abilities and motivation to do this well.  The purpose of this interactive presentation is to provide participants with a useful framework to lead people through the four natural Growth Phases by using the seven Leader Engagement skills.


  • ·         Discover the joy of helping others learn.
  • ·         Understand the four Growth Phases of learning (Consideration, Practice, Self-Sufficient, and Excel).
  • ·         Learn the seven Leader Engagement skills to inspire growth in others.

Todd Long

President / Owner, Leadership Innovations


  • ·      Is passionate about helping people lead with confidence.
  • ·      Loves dynamic facilitated interaction.
  • ·      Believes in the power of collaboration.
  • ·      Holds tightly to his faith and values.
  • ·      Inspires with a steady confidence.

He has served tens of thousands of people around the world over the past 25 years, building confident leaders and healthy teams.  Todd believes in experiential interactive learning that challenges people to think deeper and discover application.

Professionally - Todd is a leadership adviser, facilitator, speaker, author (Performance Leadership – Inspiring Growth in Others - Book), and executive coach.

Personally - Todd is a husband, father of five, piano player, ukulele enthusiast, song writer, motorcyclist, exerciser, and faith builder.

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Additional Info: Zoom Link

ATD Central-Iowa is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Performance Leadership – Inspiring Growth in Others

Time: Apr 13, 2022 09:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

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