Education Event - We're Not "Order Takers": Becoming a Trusted Business Advisor

  • Friday, January 12, 2024
  • 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
  • Virtual - Link to follow
  • 6


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Order Takers No More

Presented by Jess Almlie

We're Not "Order Takers": Becoming a Trusted Business Advisor

The term "order taker" reduces the work of Learning & Development (L&D) to a simple transaction that often fails to solve organizational problems. We long to create transformational experiences, yet we continue to be called upon to fill orders. To escape this cycle, we need to become trusted business advisors who work with stakeholders as equals, solving problems and infusing L&D into organizational strategy. 

This session will explore a foundational concept that must be in place to shift from working as an order taker to a trusted business advisor with your key stakeholders. Using the "Trusted Business Advisor Grid," you will identify how each stakeholder currently views their work with you and thus, where you need to apply your efforts to move away from order taker status. 

You will leave this session with a simple tool to assess your status with each stakeholder, along with practical action steps that you can put in place so that you can continue your journey to become a trusted business advisor within your organization.

Outcomes: In this session you will learn:

  • How to apply a two-part formula to your individual situation that will help you move from order taker to trusted business advisor in your work with stakeholders
  • How to use the "Trusted Business Advisor Grid," a tool that is used to expose the area(s) where you need to focus your own efforts to move away from order taker status
  • Specific actions to take based on your results from the "Trusted Business Advisor Grid," along with a practical action plan to put in place immediately upon return to your workplace
  • A repeatable process to use when working with any stakeholder to achieve trusted business advisor status


Jess Almlie is a learning and performance strategist with over 25 years of experience in learning and talent development. She has done "all the roles" including orientation coordinator, LMS Administrator, designer, facilitator, program manager, and finally Vice President of Learning Experience. Jess believes we need to think about our profession from a strategic lens in order to increase our impact. She speaks and writes frequently about shifting L&D mindsets and building strong partnerships with stakeholders. She is known for simplifying the complex and making strategy an achievable part of the L&D professional's daily life. Jess holds an M.S. in Educational Leadership, a B.A. in Organizational Communication, and a certificate in Improving Human Performance from ATD. She has volunteered for ATD in a variety of roles over the years as a chapter leader in North Dakota and as a National Advisor for Chapters. 

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