Lunch and Learn: Handles, Hash-tags and How-to's: How to engage with your chapter through social media

  • Wednesday, February 26, 2014
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Virtual- 559-726-1300, Access code 939360#


Registration is closed
We are dusting off the social media tools that we use as a chapter.  In this session, you'll receive an introduction to the tools that we are committed to using this year to engage members, as well as an overview about how we are planning to use them.  Bring your questions and suggestions for an interactive discussion. Have your Twitter account open and ready to post your learnings using the hashtags #astdiowa and #SMHowTo so others can follow along too!

Renewing your ATD Membership, registering for an ATD event, or making a purchase from the ATD store? Our ATD ChIP code is CH6013.Every time the code is used, it contributes to the financial health of our chapter by giving back a portion of the purchase price to our chapter. Visit the ATD store for all of your talent development needs. 


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